First Time Here?

What to Expect

Welcome to Christ Covenant Church!


It is a joy for us to meet visitors (newcomers) and to share with you about how God is at work in our church and our lives. Our goal is to know God, and make God known—to one another and the world.  Whatever your spiritual journey, we want to help you know God, and live out your faith.


Here’s all you need to know…

  • Following the flow of our service-

A bulletin will be given to you by our ushers before you enter the sanctuary. The bulletin contains a detailed outline of the worship service. Hymnals are located in the pews which will match the bulletin’s directions for parts of the service.  If the Worship Team is leading worship that day, the song lyrics will be included in the bulletin and/or displayed on a screen.  

  • What to wear?

God welcomes all to worship on Sunday mornings, and our community extends the same welcome.  Some come dressed in their Sunday best, others come as casual as can be, and plenty of people are in between.  Please wear what you feel is comfortable and honors the time together to worship God in our community of believers.   

  • Announcing your presence!

Yes, it’s true, some congregations will make you stand up and identify yourself during the service! Christ Covenant is not one of those congregations.  Our greeters will meet you when you arrive; we hope you will stay to talk with us and/or meet our pastors after the service.  We invite you to sign our guest book located by our Welcome Center.  

  • Offering-

During the service, an offering will be collected.  The ushers will pass the offering plates to each pew beginning at the front of the church. This offering is a chance for members to financially support the work of Christ Covenant’s community. You are neither expected nor required to place anything in the offering plates, however, you are certainly welcome to share if you would like!

  • How we celebrate Communion-

We typically celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month (though there are other times, like on Good Friday,  we do this too!). 

Participation in this sacred meal is for all who confess faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, whether you are a member of Christ Covenant Church or not.  This includes children.  In the Covenant Church, our position is that parents know best if their child(ren) has received Christ, so the decision as to whether their child(ren) is ready to receive communion is left to them. 

(Communion is currently being taken with individual cup/wafer packs that can be found as you enter the sanctuary on the days it is being celebrated)

Communion is served at the front of the church.   We practice Intinction (which is a fancy way of saying the server will give you a piece of bread (“The Body”) & you are invited to dip the bread into the wine or grape juice (“The Blood”) before eating it.  The chalice containing wine is usually on the right side, and the chalice containing grape juice is usually on the left side.   Children who are not yet ready to receive communion may come forward & receive a blessing and a grape (on the left side).  Those unable to go forward, may remain in your pew, and you will be served the elements there.  

Our Worship Service:

When & Where

We have plenty of seating in our comfortable sanctuary,

   and our building is handicap accessible.

   We also have:

   1. Listening devices for the hearing impaired.

   2. Wheelchair and walker.

              3. An accessible restroom.

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Christ Covenant Church

2200 Mainland Road - Harleysville, Pennsylvania - 19438

Get Directions

Meeting Times:

* Sunday School Classes will resume Sept 8th *

9:00am Hybrid Adult Sunday School

9:00am Children Sunday School

10:30am Worship

11:30am Fellowship Time (2nd Sunday of the Month)

(From Memorial Day Weekend, through Labor Day,

the worship service begins at 10:00am.)

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Most services are around an hour in length, and are not age-distinct.

We choose to have a blended service (inter-generational

with both modern and traditional music). 

No matter what your preferences are, you're welcome to attend!