Welcome parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone with children or who knows children! Here at Christ Covenant we are so excited about our new Sunday School program. As much as we'd like to see you all in church Sunday mornings, we also know that at this time it is not possible. So we have worked hard to come up with a plan that will give your kids the opportunity to hear a Bible story read to them each week, not by a stranger, but by people from our church that they are familiar with. The stories are short, only a few pages, and each page has a colored picture. We'll start with Creation and move along through the Bible in chronological order with a break for Advent. Coloring pages are being sent out via email to add another level of understanding.
We are asking, hoping, praying that after each lesson you will talk about the story with your child/children and help them grow in their faith and strengthen family values.
So please join us as we move through God's Story.
For 4/4
For 3/28
For 3/21
For 3/14
So just a few clicks and you too can be part of God's Story and as always feel free to share this exciting program with others!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Christ Covenant Sunday School
Children ages 2 through 6th grade meet in the sanctuary & begin the morning by greeting each other. Many Sundays, the children have a music time with our Director of Music Ministries (Carla Metz). The songs are often presented to the congregation for various special occasions. Then they head downstairs to their classroom for a variety of activities. All the students hear or read Bible stories, the familiar and new, to strengthen their belief in God’s word and to learn how to put their trust in Him. They participate in group games and crafts to enhance their learning each Sunday!
Their Christian growth continues to be nurtured with our two year confirmation class for teens in grades 6-8 (which takes places on the 1st Sunday of each month from 4pm-6pm.
We offer a combined Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School class every Sunday morning as well.
We also strive to develop in our children an understanding of their responsibility for the world. To do this we have various mission projects throughout the Sunday School year. Some of these projects include making cards and favors for our church’s Thanksgiving and Easter baskets, making Christmas gifts for the staff, sending cards to shut-ins, Operation Christmas Child, and Covenant Kids missions. We often combine classes for these projects and have been known to invite the adults to join in our fun!
Sunday School classes meet each Sunday for one hour from 9 am to 10 am (Labor Day through Memorial Day)