Group Prayer - Prayer focus will vary from week-to-week, but include aspects of A.C.T.S (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication). Also, we will include prayer requests submitted ahead of time and, if time permits or as the Spirit leads, those brought up during the prayer time.
Wednesdays @ 12 noon, In person or via Zoom
(Contact Craig Ikeda for the link!)
The prayer time is entitled "You Are Welcome!" for two reasons:
- You are Welcome, God, into our hearts and our midst... For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them (Matt 18:20)... and, "The Lord is near to All who call on Him (Psalm 145:18).
- You are Welcome, Friends... because a shared joy, is double the joy... and, a shared burden is half the burden (Swedish proverb, and Rom 12:15)
So, we gather together as a family of believers, sharing our joys and burdens, welcoming and honoring our heavenly father in prayer, to draw closer to Him and to one another.
And, what a perfect time to do so during the Lenten season!